My Tools

It is common knowledge that being cold is no fun and being cold and itchy is even less fun.
In my opinion Being Warm Does Not Have To Be An Itchy Ordeal.
Clothing made with cotton yarn is warm, soft and “snuggly”, usually it does not itch. It is fun to work with because it does not irritate your hands. You can enjoy the comfort of machine washable cotton yarns available in an abundance of colors. If you are allergic to dyes – you can get natural un-dyed or natural dyed yarns.

Sometimes adjusting the needle size is all that is needed to use cotton yarn with your favorite pattern.
I have successfully used Peaches & Creme®, Lion Brand®, Bernat®, Lily®, Patons® and Hobby Lobby cotton yarns for my projects.

I prefer to use wooden needles, I have a collection of Straight, Short Double Pointed and Short Circular needles in the sizes I use most US3 to US9.

I have a set of Denise Interchangeable needles in sizes US5 to US15

in my opinion they are well worth the investment as they are so versatile.

I have found a Spray Can of Silicone Lubricant is a must to keep the underside of the carriage and the front section of the needles moving freely and it washes out of the yarn.

My Flat Bed Knitting Machine is a Brother KX350  Home Knitter 7mm Mid-Gauge

(circa 1987 Brother Industries Ltd, Japan).

It was a great buy from Ebay, in good condition and only needed cleaning.

My Yarn Dispenser an accessory I designed which I find very useful.
My latest acquisition is a 3D Printed CSKM it is the RSM2 design by difl