Learn to Knit

Learning to Knit is easier than you think I have created two Learn to Knit leaflets for students of all ages to use as a reference and I have added a leaflet with a few beginners project patterns.
Please feel free to contact me via Email if you need any support: linda@lindabutler.net

Tip for All: Headbands and Cup Cozies are great projects to practice stitches, use up scraps of yarn and they make useful gifts.

Link to Projects Page , Tips & Tricks and Patterns

My Tip For Crocheter’s: When teaching Crocheter’s to Knit I have found the best knitting method to learn is commonly referred to as Continental knitting, German knitting, European knitting, or left-hand knitting.
Unlike English knitting, the yarn is held in the left hand as you do when crocheting; the motion of bringing the yarn forward with a needle held in the other hand is sometimes known as picking.
If you are left handed it is recommended that you learn to knit in the conventional manner because if you learn to knit in reverse, you will spend your entire life having to reverse pattern instructions (This is not my opinion and I recommend researching the pros and cons for yourself).
Most continental-style knitters feel that this technique is more efficient, although English-style knitters tend to dispute this.
There are many excellent video’s and tutorials on the internet to explain this knitting technique including Lion Brand Yarn, in my opinion the Lion Brand “How to Knit: Before You Start” article is excellent.